Teddy Woodward

Teddy Woodward

Co-Founder and CEO

Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: May 10 - May 17

Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: May 10 - May 17

COMP recursive lending rate = all-in supply + 3 * (all-in supply - all-in borrow)AAVE recursive lending rate = all-in supply + 4 * (all-in supply - all-in borrow)We got some fireworks this week. Crypto prices plunged to as low as ~1750 ETH. This set off a wave of liquidations through DeFi and brought

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward
Guide: Allocate Your veBAL to Notional to Maximize LP Rewards

Guide: Allocate Your veBAL to Notional to Maximize LP Rewards

With the new veBAL voting system, it's important that all holders actively steer the distribution of BAL for liquidity mining to the new Notional 80/20 NOTE/WETH pool. [https://app.balancer.fi/#/vebal] The more veBAL a pool gets voted, the more BAL its LPs will receive

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward
Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: May 3 - May 10

Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: May 3 - May 10

Good God, what a week. Crypto prices took an absolute beating over the last couple days. Even stablecoins got rekt. For the most part, the net result of this for interest rates is that they moved lower, although that isn't completely true. USDC rates hit new lows of less than 2%.

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward
Notional Monthly Update 🗓️  April 2022

Notional Monthly Update 🗓️ April 2022

Welcome to the latest edition of the Notional Monthly Update! You can also follow the latest news on Twitter [https://www.twitter.com/notionalfinance] or join the Notional community on Discord [https://discord.notional.finance/]. ‌‌‌ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🗒 Summary Notes ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌-FIATDAO onboarding fCash ‌-Staking Visualization Dashboard ‌‌-‌How Notional supports the crypto-native

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward
Monthly Updates
Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: Apr 26 - May 3

Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: Apr 26 - May 3

COMP recursive lending rate = all-in supply + 3 * (all-in supply - all-in borrow)AAVE recursive lending rate = all-in supply + 4 * (all-in supply - all-in borrow)Not much movement in rates this week. DeFi rates are low and they look to be staying that way. True bear market vibes. If you can

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward
Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: Apr 19 - Apr 26

Weekly Interest Rate Roundup: Apr 19 - Apr 26

Despite the volatile macro environment, DeFi stablecoin yields (namely USDC and DAI), did not experience much week-on-week volatility. Variable supply rates are trending at the 2%-3% level, consistent with the long term average rates for the major lending platforms.

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward
How do Notional's nTokens Earn Returns? (Part 1 of 4)

How do Notional's nTokens Earn Returns? (Part 1 of 4)

nTokens are an innovative mechanism for providing liquidity on Notional. Although they can appear quite complex at first glance, nTokens offer an overlooked source of profits with limited risk.

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward
Deep Dive
DeFi Fixed Rates + Insurance = Rock Solid Product for Financial Planners

DeFi Fixed Rates + Insurance = Rock Solid Product for Financial Planners

Fixed interest rates and yield in DeFi present an opportunity to give your clients exposure to attractive returns on stablecoin and crypto assets.

Teddy Woodward
Teddy Woodward